
Touro Summer Session in NYC!

Based on student response, the Law Center will offer Business Organizations I (Professor Meredith Miller) in New York City this summer, (subject to sufficient registration). The class will meet Monday and Wednesday 6:30-9:10 pm on same schedule as Touro's on-campus summer session, so the first class would be Wed 5/27. Last class is Monday, 7/13. Exam is Monday, July 20, 6:30 p.m. Classes will be at the Touro Graduate School of Business, 65 Broadway in lower Manhattan. Watch Monday's Touro Times for details and registration instructions.

To reemphasize, the offering is subject to sufficient registration, so if you have requested this course, please follow the instructions in the Touro Times and register promptly.

For students who need to accrue residency credit for the summer session, you might consider adding an Independent Study Project for one credit (part-timers) or two credits (full-timers). It's also possible that another class will be added to the NYC summer session. Stay tuned!

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