
Last Day to Register for Exams on Computers

No exceptions, no foolin'!

If you haven't registered yet to take your exams on a laptop and you even think you might want to do it, today is the last day!

What if I haven't decided yet whether I want to take my exams on a laptop? Then sign up today!

What if I change my mind later and decide to handwrite my exams?
Then sign up today! You're not committing to anything by registering.

What if I decide I want to handwrite one exam, type two on a laptop, and do the fourth one in Morse code? Then sign up today! You don't have to do every single exam the same way. (Caveat: you *are* going to fail the one you do in Morse code)

And by signing up today, you can take advantage of our limited-time promotional offer: You can take up to FIVE exams for the price of ONE!

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