
Need to Connect with a Study Group Over the Break?

Over the break, you may want to continue working with a study group so you don't lose ground, but it's hard to coordinate people who live far away. Also, sometimes students who live far away from the school or far away from their law school friends miss out on the benefits of a study group because it's just too hard to get everyone in one place.

Consider something like Free Conference Call at www.freeconferencecall.com. You can sign up for a conference call number, and the call costs no more than whatever long distance charges each participant might incur individually. With cell phone -- and even land line -- plans these days, many students pay nothing extra for long distance calls, so the conference call is entirely free.

Here's how it works:

One person sets up an account at www.freeconferencecall.com. With that account will come a conference call number that each caller can dial in to along with information on the verification code that each caller must enter when calling in. Everyone calls in at the agreed upon time, and then you can each be in front of your laptops or books or outlines and talk about whatever your study group is working on.

Upcoming posts will suggest some document sharing web applications you can use to work on hypos or outlines together as a study group without having to be together physically. These can be great when used in conjunction with a conference call. The result is a "virtual study group."

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