
2013 Bert W. Levit Essay Contest

The Levit Essay Contest
For Law Students and Young Lawyers
For Innovative Research and Writing on Lawyers' Professional Liability
An Annual Competition
Concluding every April
$5,000 PRIZE & a free trip to New Orleans, LA!
Contest Deadline & Information

Deadline for Submission

ONLINE entries MUST be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on February 22, 2013.

MAILED entries MUST be postmarked by February 22, 2013.

Contest Mission

The contest encourages original and innovative research and writing in the area of legal malpractice law, professional liability insurance and loss prevention.


* Cash award of $5,000.
* All expense paid trip to the Spring 2013 National Legal Malpractice Conference in New Orleans, LA, on April 24–26, 2013.


The Bert W. Levit Essay Contest is conducted by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability and the San Francisco law firm of Long & Levit LLP. The 2013 contest is administered and judged by a subcommittee designated by the ABA Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability.

The Assignment

The 2013 Contest Essay Hypothetical involves questions about a law firm’s potential malpractice exposure when it relied upon a third-party vendor to provide document review services for a client, which ultimately resulted in the release of privileged documents.
Read the 2012 Winning Entry
Read the 2012 Contest Hypothetical
Read the 2011 Winning Entry
Read the 2011 Contest Hypothetical

IEL Hartrick Scholar for 2013

Call for Student Articles
To Become an IEL Hartrick Scholar for 2013
         The IEL Hartrick Scholar Writing Competition: The Institute for Energy Law of The Center for American and International Law announces its 2013 Hartrick Scholar writing competition.  All eligible students are invited to participate.           

         Eligible Students and Topics:
Students enrolled in law school as of December 2012, and seeking a juris doctordegree, are eligible to submit an article for consideration in the IEL Hartrick Scholar competition. The general subject for this year's competition is any topic related to energy development. This includes, for example, topics concerning oil and gas law, alternative energy resources, energy regulation, and environmental regulation of the energy industries.          

         The article can be any work prepared by the student while enrolled in law school and can include prior works prepared for law journal or a law school course, so long as the submitted version complies with the submission guidelines. The Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee will select one or more outstanding submissions that they deem worthy of recognition.
         Submission Guidelines:
The article must be submitted to the Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee, at the address listed below, on or before January 15, 2013. The article should not exceed 8,000 words including footnotes (this approximates 40 double-spaced pages of text and footnotes or 25 printed pages). Footnotes should be in Blue Book format and placed at the bottom of the page where the footnoted text appears. The article should be submitted in pdf or hard copy accompanied by a cover email message or letter that contains the following information: (1) the title of your article; (2) the law school where you are currently enrolled; (3) your mailing address; (4) your telephone number; and (5) your email address. The article should not contain your name, law school, or any other identifying information.           

         Selection of the 2013 Hartrick Scholar(s):
The Hartrick Scholar(s) selected by the Judging Committee will be notified on February 15, 2013. The Scholar(s) will receive a $2,500 cash award at the Institute for Energy Law's 64th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference to be held February 21-22, 2013, in Houston, Texas. The Hartrick Scholar(s) also will be recognized for their work at the Career Paths For Young Attorneys in the Energy Sector Symposium to be held on March 1-2, 2013 at The University of Tulsa College of Law. Selection as a Hartrick Scholar includes, in addition to the $2,500 cash award, the cost of travel to attend the Conference in Houston and the Symposium in Tulsa.

Submit Articles To:
Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee
ATTN: David B. Winn, Director
Institute for Energy Law
The Center for American and International Law
5201 Democracy Drive
Plano, Texas 75024-3561
For Questions Contact:
Lilly Hogarth, Project Manager
Institute for Energy Law
+1 (972) 244-3424


The Miriam Maccoby Netter Fellowship

The New York Bar Foundation is accepting grant applications to conduct The Miriam Maccoby Netter Fellowship, created and funded by the Intellectual Property Law SectionDecember 31, 2012 is the deadline for qualified organizations to submit a grant application to the Foundation to request the $5,000 funding.

Funding for one fellowship, valued at $5,000, will be available for a public interest intellectual property organization or charity in New York State to conduct the fellowship during summer 2013. The fellow will assist the organization in matters relating to intellectual property law. Attached are fellowship guidelines which also are posted at www.tnybf.org.

A grant application and grant guidelines are accessible at http://www.tnybf.org/grantapp.htm. One grant will be awarded by the Foundation's Board of Directors by January 31, 2013 with funding becoming available in February 2013. 

The fellow will be selected by the grantee organization. The organization will offer the fellowship to a student enrolled in a New York State law school during the 2013 spring semester at the 1L or 2L level. 

The fellowship program goals are to increase the representation of lawyers in intellectual property law and to provide students with an opportunity to experience intellectual property law practice.

Please contact the Foundation at foundation@tnybf.org or 518/487-5651 if you have questions or would like additional information.  

2013 Antitrust Section Law Student Fellowship

The New York Bar Foundation is accepting grant applications for the 2013 Antitrust Section Law Student Fellowship

One fellowship grant with a value of $6,000.00, will be awarded to one student to spend the summer of 2013 working on antitrust matters in the  New York office of New York Attorney General, Antitrust Bureau; Federal Trade Commission, Northeast Region; or Department of Justice Antitrust Division, New York Field Office.

The deadline to submit applications and supporting documents to the Foundation is February 1, 2013.

Guidelines and applications are accessible at http://www.tnybf.org/ScholarshipFellowships.htm.

Please contact The New York Bar Foundation at foundation@tnybf.org or 518/487-5651 if you have questions or would like additional information.  

Arthur C. Helton Fellowship Program

The American Society of International Law (ASIL) is now accepting applications for the Arthur C. Helton Fellowship Program, established in 2004 to “provide financial assistance in the form of “micro-grants” for law students and young professionals to pursue field work and research on significant issues involving international law, human rights, humanitarian affairs, and related areas.”

Fellows must undertake their fieldwork between April 2013 and September 2013 in association with an established educational institution, international organization, or non-governmental organization working in areas related to international law, human rights, and humanitarian affairs.
Deadline: January 7, 2013 by 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time im

Application Materials

Completed applications will consist of the following materials:
  • Online application form, including description of intended project, career statement, and funding sources
  • Writing Sample
  • Current CV or resume
  • Confirmation of law student status and/or date of graduation from a law school
  • Two letters of recommendation/support, including one from sponsoring organization
 For more information, click HERE.


The Institute for Energy Law Hartrick Scholar Writing Competition

Call for Student Articles
To Become an IEL Hartrick Scholar for 2013

The IEL Hartrick Scholar Writing Competition: The Institute for Energy Law of The Center for American and International Law announces its 2013 Hartrick Scholar writing competition.  All eligible students are invited to participate.           

Eligible Students and Topics:
Students enrolled in law school as of December 2012, and seeking a juris doctordegree, are eligible to submit an article for consideration in the IEL Hartrick Scholar competition. The general subject for this year's competition is any topic related to energy development. This includes, for example, topics concerning oil and gas law, alternative energy resources, energy regulation, and environmental regulation of the energy industries.        
The article can be any work prepared by the student while enrolled in law school and can include prior works prepared for law journal or a law school course, so long as the submitted version complies with the submission guidelines. The Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee will select one or more outstanding submissions that they deem worthy of recognition.
Submission Guidelines:
The article must be submitted to the Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee, at the address listed below, on or before January 15, 2013. The article should not exceed 8,000 words including footnotes (this approximates 40 double-spaced pages of text and footnotes or 25 printed pages). Footnotes should be in Blue Book format and placed at the bottom of the page where the footnoted text appears. The article should be submitted in pdf or hard copy accompanied by a cover email message or letter that contains the following information: (1) the title of your article; (2) the law school where you are currently enrolled; (3) your mailing address; (4) your telephone number; and (5) your email address. The article should not contain your name, law school, or any other identifying information.           

Selection of the 2013 Hartrick Scholar(s):
The Hartrick Scholar(s) selected by the Judging Committee will be notified on February 15, 2013. The Scholar(s) will receive a $2,500 cash award at the Institute for Energy Law's 64th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference to be held February 21-22, 2013, in Houston, Texas. The Hartrick Scholar(s) also will be recognized for their work at the Career Paths For Young Attorneys in the Energy Sector Symposium to be held on March 1-2, 2013 at The University of Tulsa College of Law. Selection as a Hartrick Scholar includes, in addition to the $2,500 cash award, the cost of travel to attend the Conference in Houston and the Symposium in Tulsa.

Submit Articles To:
Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee
ATTN: David B. Winn, Director
Institute for Energy Law
The Center for American and International Law
5201 Democracy Drive
Plano, Texas 75024-3561

For Questions Contact:
Lilly Hogarth, Project Manager
Institute for Energy Law
+1 (972) 244-3424